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HellBladePhoenix's News

Posted by HellBladePhoenix - June 17th, 2022

Why I find evil so attractive. am I embarrassment of finding evil sexy, or I'm a young male with a neurons activated? I want.... her so badly.... the fact that she's in the barrel and smirking that she wanted to be blasted. iu_670016_7645618.webp

Lum from urusei Yatsura was a annoying and a manipulative but I find her so fucking hotiu_670017_7645618.jpg

In fact all the evil bitches in Seven deadly sins are babes



My Immediate answer was the fact the niceness is a very easy trait that everyone can do. So easy that I personally doesn't find it that exciting. As for the second is evil chicks tend be more aggressive in the bedroom. They tend to be more in the dominant position when it comes to sex in general so a sucker like me wanted to get choked on or aka Femdom.

The third is going to be quite a long one. Growing up the girls in my life wasn't good, they're get in trouble a lot in school and get suspended a lot. And Because I was around these types of girls a lot though out my life, My young brain find those type of girls as normal. This is just my theory not factual.

Anyway that's the end of my blog thanks for hanging.



Posted by HellBladePhoenix - January 26th, 2022

As much I enjoy being an audiophile, I wanted to switch things that I wanted to review, which is obscure anime that are mostly from the 80s and 2000s. If you don't care then that's fine.

As for the review format, I don't wanted to become overly formulaic or another template of another review. Instead more in-depth, opinionated, and certain things I like and certain things I don't like.



Posted by HellBladePhoenix - January 24th, 2022




Now I’m not familiar with Edifier’s product when I first brought the S2000MKIII. It was my second product purchase from them. Edifier makes Chifi(Chinese Hi-Fi audio) products, they have a sub-brand named Airpulse which from based on speculations, made more high-end Powered Speakers, they’re pricey, going has high as $2000 USD. These speaker do look very nice. But at the cost of being an average sounding audio device.



They do got a decent variety of inputs but sadly they don’t have the sub-out, which is sad. The sounds is pretty worth after some adjustments. The S2000MKIII Includes a Coaxial RCA, Toslink, and two RCA inputs. All are in the right powered speaker. In order to powered the left passive speaker,, it’s connected via a 5-pin XLR cable, the cable built quality is suburb

In short, these sounded amazing for the price of $400 dollar when I first brought it back in 2021, edifier has raised it to $500 which I’m kinda disappointed, these should be at least $350 dollars at least. The S2000MKIII has 4 EQ settings listed on the Remote. Personally dynamic mode sound the best with the bass being extended as well has the highs get crispier, monitor flatten the sound signature, that if you wanted a more laid-back sound. Don’t bother with Vocal and Classic, I’d notice little to no changes with both EQ settings.


On the Right speaker you have 3 nobs at the back that adjust the volume, treble, and bass. Sadly If you turned the bass all the way up, you’ll get distorted bass or even worse clipping if you crank up the volume, it’s unacceptable for edifier to make a speaker like this for 400 or insultingly, $500 dollars. But all changed when I plugged the RCA input from the Fiio K5 Pro via RCA input. In fact these makes the speakers sound WAY better overall with the bass being puncher while the treble sounding more crisp. I’d would raised the overall rating up to 7.5 with the K5 PRO DAC/AMP. I highly recommend getting an audio DAC to drastically improve the sound quality. They do fill in the room from small to medium sized rooms, but for big rooms I’d suggest get else were, maybe Edifier’s Airpulse lineup or get a floor standing speakers.



I normally don’t review remotes but boy the remote is terrible.

Lets start with the layout, it’s god-forbidden. There times were I accidentally press the wrong input or EQ button because all the buttons are so close together, there’s no gap feeling that you know which button to press without looking at it. The battery cover is a bitch to take off. You’ll need Krato’s from God of War type strength in order to remove it. And when you do, it’s pain-full with the vents design indicating were to remove the cover. I hope Edifier redesigned the remotes with their new models, because it’s embarrassingly terrible.


In conclusion, the S2000MKII has some potential being a $400( 500 now) dollar speakers that is great for home theater usage. But with the good DAC I’d say it’s worth for it but majority won’t know about it nor have the research for it. Only if It had a sub-out put, I’d it’ll be 8 out of 10 maybe 9 for the sound quality improvements.

I’d say wait for sale or get it with a dac when buying the unit.


Posted by HellBladePhoenix - December 25th, 2021

These are my new favorite IEMs, better than the FH3 and those are for 130 dollars, that's all you can leave.


These are soooo damn close for being a 10, but that one flaw that I knocked down half a point that I’ll elaborate right this moment.

Build Quality


The tips that came with the IEMs aren't good. None of them isolate nor fit that great, I’d had to find the rubber clear/red ear tips that fits in my ears perfectly on the FH3s, but even then it doesn’t  match up the isolation and fit as the FH3, which is my ears fault not the product itself. The casing on the actual IEMs is phenomenal, I liked the black and gold aesthetic of the Aria, it looks as if I were carrying something fancy and elegant. The cable has a shoe string like material, at first I didn’t like it, but It didn’t really bother me that much, not the worst cable I’ve used on a IEM. 



This is where the praise begins. 

My god they sounded so good for the price. It’s even better than the FH3. These sound sparkly. Depending on what song, the vocals, especially female vocals sounded so satisfyingly sparkly and clear. The Aria has the sub-bass bump on the graph, and that bump is really worth it. It's not one of those enhanced bass were it sounded bloated, its more of satisfying very low bass that vibrate your house but instead your ears. However the mids are a tad weak, that’s the only minor complaint about the sound of these. Overall the highs and bass really makes the Aria shine.  The fact that these sounded soo good under 100 dollars is mind blown. These sounded as if they're over $200 dollars.


In conclusion: Moondrop really *drop* the ball with the Arias. These claimed to be my new favorites Earbuds.



Posted by HellBladePhoenix - November 23rd, 2021

Genre: Drone, Shoegaze, ambient

Duration: 55 minutes

Date: 1993

Artist: Loveslivescrushing


Beautiful, just fucking Beautiful....

Shoegaze as a genre that I'm not too keen nor I've familiar with. But I already felt that my journey of discovering the best of the greatest ends here, with this album almost does that. The record has a grey area between being angelical but with the tad of bone-chilling atmospheric vibe on few tracks. Tracks like Babysbreath ,dizzy ,moinaexquisitewallflower , and crushing provides more choric, aspire spirit, while more slight vocals added tracks like Iwantyou and precious delivers the same, yet lyrically unhinged and gives chills. The instrumental can be redundant on certain tracks but the reverbs throughout the entire album adds more greatness. This is one of the albums where I have a hard time to which is my personal favorite, not because I don't have one but because there's 4 tracks that I adore, which is moinaexquisitewallflower , babysbreath, crushing, and precious. Moinaexquisitewallflower is the best one of all four due to the chorus and the guitar hit at 4:15 provides me the most dopamine hitter.

in conclusion, I loved overall the soundscape of this record , one of my top 5 favorite albums of all time so far.

Overall ranking: 9.5/10



Posted by HellBladePhoenix - November 13th, 2021

As my newbie Audiophile journey continues, I came across these particular IEMs I brought earlier this year. Before owning these I have FH1 which I despise and soon to get a review of those as well. First impression before wearing them is the cable. I normally don't talk about the cable of each headphones/earbuds that much, but they're beautiful, which unfortunately the right pin connector broke and had to replaced.

When first wearing them I didn't immediate notice the sound difference, but as I listen them for a while then switching back to the FH1, I made a disgusted face and notice it's major flaws. Normally earbuds tend to fit shittly with my left ear since it's shape is different compared to my right. These are the exact opposite, they snug perfect in my ear canal without any trouble with the right ear tips. They fit in perfectly, even using them while exercising, they never fall off of my ears, at all.


Sound: (TL:DR Satisfying AF)

These are V-shaped sounding IEMs and both the bass and treble doesn't sound harsh. The best part of the sound of these are the satisfying crisp treble, the vocals, and the soundstage. Again mids are good enough and should be the main ingredient in order for headphones to be good enough. I find Sparkly sounding headphones/speakers to be my kryptonite, and these deliver well. Vocals, especially female vocals is a dopamine hitter, although some case the singer can sound as if she/he directly right next to you. Soundstage are impressive for a IEMS since sound doesn't escape to the outside. I can hear sound above me and diagonally that I could pin point of where sound come from. Again if you want very good soundstage, invest some great speakers. Bass is punchy and not soo much so that it hurts your head. it's like certain foods that added unnecessary amount of sugar but for the FH3 it's a good healthy amount.


Overall: These IEMs are satisfying to listen to. I gave a full recommendation for anyone buying these for 130 USD. These originally be a 9/10 but because of the fragility of the cable, I knock them down a point.



Posted by HellBladePhoenix - November 10th, 2021

Overall ranking: 6/10


This is my first review, so expect the formatting to be terrible

I've been using my Beyerdynamic Dt 770 Pro for almost a year now. I was upgrading from my Superlux HD 681, which I prefer in few aspects compared to the DT 770 pro in a few minutes within this review.

First Impressions:

At first handling the product, I liked how they looked, The ear pads didn't bother me that much at first but I through it was a unique look and impressed by the heft and built quality of this. Then came the sound.... immediately I turn up the sound and I notice some distortion that my previous HD 681. At the time I was a pretty new ( still am but more knowledgeable) within the audiophile space, so me not sounding as wide open as the HD681 was a let down but at the same time they're closed backs.


As my taste in sounds matures, I start to appreciate the sound. The Soundstage and imaging are great. While gaming, I can pin point which direction the guns are firing at, same with music, with live musicals I can hear the crowds at back and where the music is actually playing. Bass isn't as punchy is the HD 681 but damn they don't felt like added sugar into soda drinks simultaneously like most gaming headphones I used. That's the opposite with the Treble, it's a little much IMO but didn't really bothered me that much. I don't really add much with the mids since Headphones in general should bring the mids as the #1 priority when it comes to sound, which the DT770 did good. Overall they're average sounding.


As I used the headphones for 6 months, I started to despise the material of the earpads. It was in the middle of summer and I started to itch while wearing them, and I find myself taking off the headphones every 30 minutes then put it back on whenever I needed to, the DT770 started to feel heavy. I don't know it was me starting to become more nick picking or I started to wore variety of different headphones but I start to like the light feel for the Koss Porta Pros then the DT770 Pro. Overall I liked the built quality just wearing them was semi-annoying after a few months of usage.

Would I recommend these? Yes. They're cheaper the last time I brought them, being 140 American dollars. I'd say if you liked closed back and wanted to block most (not all) of the noise while listening, I'd say get these.



Posted by HellBladePhoenix - November 4th, 2021

Going to off for a while, about a week or 2, Just wanted to distance myself from Newgrounds.


Posted by HellBladePhoenix - October 31st, 2021

  1. Bulma iu_460110_7645618.webp
  2. Ayanami Rei







They all make my PP hard and horny