Genre: Drone, Shoegaze, ambient
Duration: 55 minutes
Date: 1993
Artist: Loveslivescrushing
Beautiful, just fucking Beautiful....
Shoegaze as a genre that I'm not too keen nor I've familiar with. But I already felt that my journey of discovering the best of the greatest ends here, with this album almost does that. The record has a grey area between being angelical but with the tad of bone-chilling atmospheric vibe on few tracks. Tracks like Babysbreath ,dizzy ,moinaexquisitewallflower , and crushing provides more choric, aspire spirit, while more slight vocals added tracks like Iwantyou and precious delivers the same, yet lyrically unhinged and gives chills. The instrumental can be redundant on certain tracks but the reverbs throughout the entire album adds more greatness. This is one of the albums where I have a hard time to which is my personal favorite, not because I don't have one but because there's 4 tracks that I adore, which is moinaexquisitewallflower , babysbreath, crushing, and precious. Moinaexquisitewallflower is the best one of all four due to the chorus and the guitar hit at 4:15 provides me the most dopamine hitter.
in conclusion, I loved overall the soundscape of this record , one of my top 5 favorite albums of all time so far.
Overall ranking: 9.5/10